Comprehensive Exams and Cleanings

Comprehensive exams at Nova Dental Cupertino - Eunice Gonsalves, DDS go beyond the checkups you had as a child. We thoroughly examine your oral health history, as well as the current condition of your mouth, teeth, gums, neck, jaw, and throat. These extensive examinations provide valuable insights into your dental well-being. Using advanced technology, we can detect even the slightest signs of oral cancer and gum disease. We also inspect any previous dental work you may have had. With this information, we can develop comprehensive long-term strategies to ensure your overall well-being. Trust our team to prioritize your oral health and provide the professional care you deserve.

Comprehensive dental examinations generally include:

  • Review of your medical history form and dental insurance information
  • Dental X-rays
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Examination of teeth and gums
  • Evaluation of biting, chewing and swallowing function
  • TMJ assessment

If you have any questions about comprehensive dental exams or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Nova Dental Cupertino - Eunice Gonsalves, DDS today.

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